Arms' Perspective, Logo
Arms' Perspective
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If You Picture It, We Provide It

Hello my name is LaVette Arms. I am a Maryland photographer and I use photography to capture awe inspiring moments by investing in capturing the best shot. My journey in photography began as a hobby; taking photos of my son's sporting events. I used the images to make photo albums and share them with my son's teammates. Arms' Perspectives was formed after receiving request from the parents and coaches to capture milestones and events.

To develop my technical skills I enroll in classes, attend seminars and reading literature. My recent accomplishments are as follows:
• Coppin State University Midnight Mayham
• DCIAA Gravy Bowl and Turkey Bowl

By providing compelling images, the viewer has the opportunity to think, wonder, reflect and develop a personal meaning. Capturing in between moments composes chapters of once in a lifetime events.

LaVette Arms
Photo Credit Derrel Todd